Wednesday, December 18, 2019

ARTS FEST - 2019-2020


The Arts Fest 2019-2020 of GASCK began with interdepartmental competitions of Off-Stage Events started on 18/12/2019 10 am onward...

Competitions are held in four Stages

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

National Seminar on Significance of Literature on Society

One day National Seminar titled " Significance of Literature on Society"  was held at the college auditorium on 16/12/2019.
* Organised by the Language Departments ( Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil)
* Sponsored by: Directorate of Collegiate Education, Govt of Kerala
* Inaugurated by: Dr. A Aravindakshan, Former Pro Vice Chancellor, M G International Hindi University , Wardha
*Presided by: Sri. Rajesh C, Principal-in-Charge

National Workshop on GST

Two day National Workshop titled "GST in Practice" was held at the college auditorium on 12/12/2019 and 13/12/2019 .
*Organised by : Department of Commerce
*Sponsored by: Directorate of Collegiate Education, Govt of Kerala
*Inaugurated by: Dr. V. Pankunni, Retd. Dy Director of Collegiate Education
*Presided  by: Smt. Amala A K, Principal
*Resource Persons: CA Ajith Sivadas and CMA Reshma S Nair