Monday, February 28, 2022

Selected for the University Crosscountry Team

 Alwin A of Second Year B Com secured sixth place in the Calicut University Intercollegiate Crosscountry competition held today at Palakkad ( 01/03/2022 at Mercy College) and selected to the Calicut University Team 


Sunday, February 27, 2022

Bronze Medal in Karate Intercollegiate Tournament

 Mashitha of Second Year B Sc won Bronze medal in the Calicut University Katate Intercollegiate Tournament in 67 category 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Gender Club Inauguration and Gender Sensitisation Program

 The formal Inauguration of Gender Club of the college was held today (21/02/2022) .

Principal in charge Sri Kribuna Viswas inaugurated the club activities 

A gender Sensitisation Program was held thereafter 

International Mother Language Day Celebration

 The International Mother Language Day 2022 was observed in the campus by taking mother tongue pledge in the classes 

Students, Teachers , and Office staff took pledge 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Gold Medal in the Calicut University Interzone Wrestling Championship

 GHANASHYAM J of Third Year B A Functional English has secured Gold Medal in the Calicut University Interzone Wrestling Championship for Men (under 57 kg category ) held at MES College Mannarkad on 20/02/2022.
